Superintendent's Advisory Committee for Special Education


The Superintendent's Advisory Committee for Special Education (SACSE) is a committee that includes parents, teachers, administrators, and classified staff. The committee Meets to discuss special education issues. Meetings are held at 4:30 p.m. on the following dates via Microsoft Teams. Meeting link coming soon.

  • September 4
  • November 6
  • December 4
  • February 5
  • March 5
  • April 2
  • May 7

Mission Statement of the Superintendent's Advisory Committee

The Superintendent's Advisory Committee for Special Education (SACSE) represents the collaboration of District special education and general education staff and parents to:

  • discuss significant issues and concerns related to special education;
  • review documents and information
  • provide feedback, compile information, make suggestions and recommendations to the Superintendent;
  • gather and share information, as a committee, with the educational communities regarding philosophy, policy, service delivery of special education services to provide optimum educational outcomes for students.