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Year 2 Actions and Measures of Success


Year 2 Key Actions are broadly focused on developing the systems and conditions to empower leadership and staff with a shared vision of our values. Specifically, we will be identifying and designing ways to capture the data whether it be quantitative or qualitative measures to ensure that the work is moving forward and we have the ability to understand, react and refine our strategies. We will build on the UDL work begun in Year One and create the expectations and structures so that we are teaching toward our Graduate Profile.

Below are the Key Actions selected to begin in Year 2 and a brief description of the data that will be used to account for progress.

Teaching Differently (Pillar A - Culturally Responsive, Differentiated Teaching)
A1 Commit to the development of systems that advance the foundational beliefs that all students are general education students first, and experience belonging and inclusion
Sample Targets: Increase understanding of Universal Design for Learning; Standardize use of DJUSD prereferral process at all school sites; Implement UDL instructional rounds at all schools

A4. Teach aligned and calibrated to DJUSD Graduate Profile competencies from preschool to Grade 12
Sample Targets: Create district-wide matrix on current Graduate Profile activities, lessons and projects; Develop performance criteria for one Graduate Profile outcome in rubric format  

Engaging Our Unique Community (Pillar B - Vibrant Partnerships)
B7. Identify and assess areas where students/families who speak languages other than English and/or are new to DJUSD schools need support(s) in order to improve student success
Sample Targets: Establish a needs and assets assessment for families that speak languages other than English; Pilot needs assessment with 100% of newly enrolled families that speak languages other than English

Investing in Our Team (Pillar C - Systemic and Effective Supports)
C1. Develop strategies to attract and retain District staff, including creating and maintaining a regionally competitive compensation and benefit model, and exploring ways to address housing affordability challenges and employee satisfaction.
Sample Targets: Track and evaluate compensation and benefits for comparable districts

C2. Prioritize the recruitment, onboarding support an sense of belonging amongst teachers, leaders and staff in order to improve staff retention and satisfaction

Sample Targets: Evaluate onboarding process for ease of use, timeliness to completion and employee satisfaction

C3. Create a sense of shared purpose and vision across all levels of leadership (staff, teachers, students, parent and administration), rooted in District values, which connects and inspires
Sample Targets: Increase shared vision with students, staff, families and community

C5. Provide a research-based system of professional growth and training that ensures all students receive proactive, universally designed, standards-based instruction
Sample Targets: Increase understanding of UDL; Standardize process that uses district articulated prereferral process

C7. Utilize the Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) and professional learning processes to identify and address the needs (academic, social-emotional, behavioral) of underserved students in a timely manner
Sample Targets: Train all Coordinated Service Teams (CST) on team roles and meeting expectations; CSTs will train all site certificated staff on DJUSD Request for Assistance (RFA) form

C8. Develop equity-based anti-biased and culturally responsive professional learning that is responsive to the needs of unduplicated students and is tied to a data collection system
Sample Targets: Increase understanding of implicit bias

C10. Prioritize scheduling for English Learners, students in Special Education, or tiered interventions supports
Sample Targets: Ensure all elementary schedules include a differentiation block; Ensure secondary scheduling process is done in consultation with program specialists

Committing to Continuous Improvement (Pillar D - Culture of Excellence and Accountability)
D1. Create systems to meaningfully recognize and celebrate students, staff, parents/guardians, schools community partners, and district-level departments for their contributions to student progress, the strategic plan and Graduate Profile successes
Sample Targets: Increase the number of Values in Action recognitions

D3. Compile, analyze and disseminate annual data-informed audits of school and district culture and climate, as well as student performance based on the Measures outlined in the Strategic Plan
Sample Targets: coming soon

D5. Allocate resources(i.e.- people time, and money) based on data-supported needs of students, staff and schools
Sample Targets: Conduct an audit of site and department budgets to determine if they are allocated based on data=supported needs of students, staff and schools; Allocate Special Education para staffing based on IEP need; Allocate EL Specialists time based on student need

D6. Create systems that will increase the effective use of data to drive decision making, particularly regarding matters of access, opportunity and outcomes to close the opportunity gap
Sample Targets: Identify and implement processes for collecting and reviewing data with initial training on data dashboard MTSS applications

D8. Recognize and celebrate the cultural contributions and identities within our school communities
Sample Targets: Increase the number of award nominations for cultural contributions