Principles of One Community


DJUSD is an important part of the community of Davis, a small, vibrant city of people from many backgrounds, cultures, perspectives and experiences.  As an affirmation of the shared values of the City, the University and the School District, on the anniversary of UC Davis' 100th year, 2008,  representatives of all three institutions jointly developed a renewed Principles of One Community, inspired by the UC Davis Principles of Community from the early 1990's. 

The Principles acknowledge that within the single Davis community there are many different voices, perspectives and purposes, and together they help Davis prosper and flourish.

The Principle document reads as follows:
We affirm that the people of the City of Davis and the students, faculty, and staff of the University of California, Davis constitute one diverse community and strive to sustain one that is united and mutually respectful.

In 1905, the University of California established the University Farm—its first students arriving in 1908—adjacent to Davisville, founded in 1868 and incorporated as the City of Davis in 1917. The University Farm later became the University of California, Davis in 1959. Following the tradition of a land grant university, UC Davis generates, advances and applies knowledge for the betterment of society. UC Davis continues today to provide unique opportunities and together with the citizens of Davis fosters an informed and dynamic college town community.

UC Davis and the City are partners in building and shaping our community. Together they seek to nurture, foster, welcome and recognize students, faculty and staff as members of the community.

As we celebrate UC Davis’ centennial anniversary and a hundred years of shared history, we reflect upon our past and look toward our future with the following basic principles:

  • We affirm our shared responsibility to promote and sustain a united community that acknowledges and celebrates differences.
  • We affirm the inherent value of each and every member of our shared community.
  • We acknowledge that the establishment of our community and its continued development are tied to the cooperation of our respective institutions and the interactions of our fellow citizens based on mutual consideration and respect.
  • We appreciate the diversity of viewpoints held within our community and recognize that our actions and decisions have consequences that impact each other. In recognition of our shared values and mutual interdependence, we strive to make decisions in an open and inclusive manner that respects, nurtures and reflects understanding of the needs and interests of all community members.
  • We maintain an accepting and sensitive community where everyone is free to live, learn, and work without regard to race, ethnicity, gender, ability, sexual orientation, religion, political beliefs, age, length or place of residence, or other differences among people. 

The purpose of the Principles of One Community statement is to further strengthen our commitment to the values inherent in both the UC Davis Principles of Community and the City’s Statement on Principles of Community Tolerance. 

Therefore, we affirm these principles of one community and commit ourselves to uphold them in our personal, professional, and community lives .