Native American Education and Title VI Program


** Native American Perspectives on Eclipses - For Teachers **

Before engaging students in solar eclipse activities, please read this letter to teachers and explore the resources recommended by the Parent Advisory Committee of the Native American Education Program which are also listed here:

Resources for learning more:

Native American Students and Families

Are you the parent of a student who is enrolled in a Native American tribe or has a parent or grandparent who is enrolled in a Federally- or State-recognized tribe? If so, you can support the District's ongoing development of the Native American Education and Title VI Program by submitting an ED 506 Eligibility Form. If your child has Native American heritage but is not enrolled in a recognized tribe, and you would like for them to participate in the Native American Education Program, fill out this Family Participation Form. For more information, contact the Climate Office.

Curricular and Other Resources
The following resources are culturally legitimate sources of knowledge and information. Most can be used in instruction, though some may not be appropriate for all ages. All of them are useful for professional understanding and context. Please note the primary emphasis on Native voices as a standard. The Climate Office welcomes suggestions of additional resources.

Native American Heritage Month and Thanksgiving
Resources for Educators (and Others) for Celebrating Native American Heritage Month and Teaching About Thanksgiving from the San Diego County Office of Education

Six Things Every Non-Native Should Do on Thanksgiving 

Curriculum Resources for the Classroom

About Teaching California’s Native History

Direct Voices of Native/Indigenous People